It has been amply proven that going open with eBooks increases sales though publishers don't seem to take the hint. Given most publishers probably don't have the backbone to move on to the 21st century Amazon should try to provide a freely downloadable eBook to customers who buy the hard copy version.
Seems to be a no brainer, if I buy a book why can't I own it in eBook format too? I can have the digital version while the physical book is still coming in. Piracy is a non-issue here, just about every book can be turned into an eBook whether or not a CD/downloadable is provided and all it can do is help publishers.
There are more advantages to having an eBook over a regular book, if I'm looking for a specific keyword I can do it a lot more faster using a simple search on a computer than having to go through page after page of the same keyword looking for the relevent context in which it is written. I can use it while on the computer, especially handy for computer related books, 3D modelling and photoshop can benefit the most out of this.
Amazon and other online book stores should really consider including a free downloadable eBook for people who buy the book hard copy. Perhaps the most difficult part would be negotiating with the stubborn publishers but if even one publisher gives it a go and its sales inevitably soar then the competition will give it a go too. This is no different to DRM free music, studios that offer DRM free songs get more sales, giving power to consumers is not a bad move, it increases customer satisfaction and thus they come back for more.
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