Microsoft claims the virus itself does not take advantage of any Windows vulnerabilities, ergo third party software is compromised but not the operating system itself. The virus itself simply 'Posts ip address and backdoor port information from an infected machine back to the virus author via the following URL' hence while it isn't inherintly dangerous it can lead to hell later down the track.
There have only been 24 reports of this virus actually working as it is very easily disabled by virtually any antivirus program. The virus itself may have actually shipped with the first batch of video iPods as Apple states
'As you might imagine, we are upset at Windows for not being more hardy against such viruses, and even more upset with ourselves, for not catching it'The virus propogates itself through a mass storage device such as externel hard drives of which the iPod is one. Once the brand new video iPod is plugged into the Windows PC the virus enters and does what it's supposed to. In fact it was designed to work as such, either the virus writer pulled one over Apples eyes (next to impossible) or Apple knew it was selling infected video iPods.
One has to wonder how a virus that is non-lethal to the video iPod but dangerous to Windows managed to find its way onto the first batch of video iPods manufactured by Apple, we are either to believe the virus writer pulled the wool over Apples eyes or it was an inside job.
VIA Internet News