Open Addicts rmorgan explains why IE7 was blocked:
The reason, which you can read for yourself if you fire up IE and browse the front page, is that the dynamic menu code and other formatting issues looked like pure crap or didn't work at all with Internet Explorer. Everything looks and works fine with Firefox, Opera, Konquerer, etc... but not IE and I'm sick and tired of hacking and tweaking things because IE has rendering bugs and doesn't adhere to web standards like better browsers.

The dynamic content works the same, albeit with IE7 you have to click on 'Enable ActiveX Control' to get the dynamic menus working, hardly grounds for blocking a browser claiming it to be 'pure crap'. You can either download the main page of Open Addict with Firefox then run it from the hard drive with IE7 or try it for yourself by going to any sub pages on Open Addicts website using IE7 to see for yourself.
This is no more than a publicity stunt by Open Addict to get people to switch over to Firefox by way of a lie. In the end the Open Source community is no better than a greedy heartless corporation if it resorts to such cheap tactics.
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